Course curriculum

  • 01

    Chris Daniel, PMP®, Everything You Need To Know About The PMP® Exam

    • 5 Things To Do Before PMP® Bootcamp

    • PMP® Q&A: Do I Need Another Bootcamp?

    • What Books Do You Need To Pass The PMP® Exam?

    • The PMP® Audit: How To Succeed At It

    • PMP® Q&A: How To Handle The Situational Questions

    • Project Management For College Grads, Part 1

    • PMP® or MBA: Which Is Better?

    • Interview: The PMP Guru Speaks at the Steve Harvey Mentoring Camp

    • Dirty Little Secrets to Studying for the PMP Exam

    • How to get your PMP® Application Approved

    • PMP Q&A: Mohamed has 2 months to study. What should he do?

Featured Speaker


Chris Daniel, PMP, The PMP Guru passed away in 2018 but the Women Of Project Management Honor him by sharing his project management knowledge. See His Bio: Chris Daniel, PMP is The PMP Guru, Not because he's self-appointed, but because students say so! He teaches live, hosted PMP bootcamps at his training center in Washington, DC and for private clients across the globe by invitation. Chris fill the gaps where other instructors don't. He gives you the tips, tricks and pointers to be successful with the PMP exam on the first try WITHOUT HAVING TO PAY THE FULL BOOTCAMP FEE (it free on YouTube!).

Chris Daniel, PMP®

Consultant In Jeans